If you would like to participate in the project: Shoot a 12second video on the theme of 'peace' (max 12seconds in length, up to 50MB in size) and email it to 12seconds4peace@gmail.com. Videos will then be uploaded to the 12seconds TV site with Featured Videos being posted regularly on the 12seconds for Peace blog here. We accept many common file types and are working to include more. (If you have questions on file types email us at 12seconds4peace@gmail.com.)
Please ensure that all video content is your own and not the copyrighted work of others. By submitting a video you accept that your work, whilst the copyright stays with you, is available for 12seconds for Peace to use in other non-profit creative projects. Please read the legal information at the bottom of this page before submitting your video.
Your video must NOT be politically or religiously motivated or engage in finger-pointing of any kind, either at nations, defined groups of people, businesses (named or otherwise) or any other entity. This project is about positive manifestation of peace. The inclusion of controversial figures in your videos (such as political figures calling for peace), whilst permissable, should be thought through carefully. Think about the reaction that other people will have to such an inclusion - will it be positive or negative? If it is negative or will raise political or religious concerns, then don't include them.
12seconds for Peace is committed to making a difference on behalf of those in need.
Email your videos to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com
Steve Gooch Founder of 12seconds for Peace
(12seconds for Peace is non-profit organisation and will target ALL funds generated from this project to those in desperate need).
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