About 12seconds for Peace

'12seconds for Peace' is a collaborative video-arts project, designed to raise the energy of manifestation for peace on our planet and in our individual hearts and minds. When humanity manifests internal peace and recognises the natural order of the human condition, then peace in the world will follow. The proceeds from 12seconds for Peace will go to support and aid the various good causes of a number of charitable and non-profit organisations around the world.

You can find out more about the 12seconds for Peace project by clicking the link here

You can record your video in the box to the right. 12 seconds max please.
Catch up with all the 12seconds for Peace videos!

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Aaron Desmarais

Aaron Desmarais has sent 12seconds for Peace this great little video today that expresses through its collage of images the consequences of choosing the way things are right now, as opposed to peace. Whatever the future holds, unless peace is on the agenda, things look pretty bleak for humanity and it is encapsulated in Aaron's video-warning here.

It is always a pleasure to receive videos from people out of the blue such as this one from Aaron and there is plenty of room for lots more of the same. Please send your videos in to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com

We are now approaching the end of the second compilation of 12seconds for Peace videos called '12seconds for Peace - Ten Minutes Later'. If you wish to be included in what is going to be as explosive a compilation as was the first, there is still time. We are as of this posting, at around seven minutes of continuous video, made up of over thirty 12 second video clips. Get your video in now and be a part of this historic and ground-breaking video project.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Sunday, 29 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Arizona for Peace - 3

The beauty of this project is that anyone can stop for a few seconds and make a statment for peace in front of a camera. Thank you once more to Murdock's Trinity Records in Arizona for this gem of a video. Murdock's Trinity Records are out and about in Arizona doing their best to record videos for this project and making all sorts of wonderful connections with people who want peace.

The truth is, that in spite of the problems that beset us all and that befuddle humanity as a whole, most of us on this planet really do want peace!

You can use this project, just as the people of Arizona are using it, to make your statement for peace. All you have to do is stand or sit in front of a camera and hit record. It's over 12 seconds later. Then email your video to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com

If you want to find out more aboput Murdock's Trinity Records, you can find their Facebook page here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Saturday, 28 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Cole & Wade Wichard

Today we have a fantastic video being sung to us by two amazing kids: Cole & Wade Wichard. I know that they are really excited about seeing their video for peace on the internet and so it is really important to get this up for them today, in case they burst from over excitement!

Cole and Wade, your video is fantastic and I am sure that people all over the world are going to be very impressed indeed that two nine year olds were able to make a video for peace. Easy wasn't it? I hope that many more people, after seeing your lovely video, will want to make their own and send them in.

Thank you for your fantastic work and thank you for sharing your wish for peace in the world in such a great way, for the rest of us to enjoy. I hope that both of you enjoy being the stars of 12seconds for Peace!


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Friday, 27 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Jeff & Angie Moore

Another great video in today; again from Arizona, courtesy of Murdock's Trinity Records! This couple find peace through their deep connection to their religion and their spirituality. Many people find that an acceptance of a spiritual or religious outlook on life is the way to manifest peace in their lives. Once more we find that the recurring theme of the 12seconds for Peace videos is that peace starts within. Of course this does not mean that we should neglect the world around us, but to create a sustainable peace; a real and lasting peace, we must work on ourselves also.

Murdock's Trinity Records, thanks to the wonderful commitment of Todd and Gina at Murdock's, is really making a difference out there in Arizona. Many of the videos that are coming in at the moment are doing so because Murdock's is out there filming anyone and everyone that happens by, and getting their commitment to peace on video for this project. Right now, Arizona is leading the way to peace!

If you wish to connect with Todd and Gina at Murdock's Trinity Records, you can do so by clicking the link through to their Facebook page here. And if you are in Arizona, why not go along and get yourself on a video for 12seconds for Peace!


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Thursday, 26 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Tone G - 2

After the ethereal serenity of DeZengo Moore's video yesterday, what better way to follow it up than with the passion for peace of Tone G! This is Tone's second video and one that was shot as a part of the incredible work of Murdock's Trinity Records in Arizona, that are doing so much to support the work of 12seconds for Peace.

Tone G once more delivers his concept of the road to peace with passion and a profound sense of commitment. Thank you to Tone G and to Murdock's Trinity Records for the great work they are doing in Arizona.

If you would like to hook up with Murdock's Trinity Records and get yourself included in their growing catalogue of 12seconds for Peace videos, then you can find them here on their Facebook page.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - DeZengo Moore

12seconds for Peace is very happy to be back with a wonderful video from DeZengo Moore. DeZengo has based her video around the opening line of Psalms 46:10 of the Bible. However, in eliminating the word 'God' from the line ("Be still and know that I am God"), it now has it's focus on the self; the 'I am'.

The line therefore is about self-discovery. Through contemplation and 'letting go' it becomes possible to discover the true nature of ourselves - ourselves as peaceful beings. This is, as we have discovered before, the path to universal peace. Once we come to a realisation of internal peace and express this outwardly to the world, then the world itself becomes more peaceful.

If you would also like to contribute to 12seconds for Peace, then please email your 12 second video on the theme of peace to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Sunday, 22 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Arizona for Peace - 2

Today's video, again courtesy of Murdock's Trinity Records out in Arizona, expresses what many people would describe as the bottom line when it comes to establishing a peaceful world: listening to each other, understanding each other and simply enjoying life! Not too difficult is it? Yet as a global society we have yet to prove that we can do even this.

What is important is our knowing and understanding that this IS precisely what we need to do. If we know it, then we have a chance of realising it. All we need now is the motivation to get on with the task.

Thanks once more to Murdock's Trinity Records for their continued amazing support for 12seconds for Peace. Right now, thanks to Todd and Gina at Murdock's Trinity Records, it is looking like Arizona is at the forefront of the global push for peace!

If you also want to contribute to this ground-breaking project, then send your 12 second long video on what peace means to you, into 12seconds4peace@gmail.com

If you are one of the peace-loving folks of Arizona and want to get involved in what Murdock's Trinity Records are doing, then you can start out by checking their Facebook page right here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Saturday, 21 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Peckerwood's Patty

There are clearly many flavours to peace and certainly some unusual concepts in Arizona! Murdock's Trinity Records, who are out and about in Arizona filming for 12seconds for Peace are certainly finding some interesting peace-loving people out there!

Riding a hot-rod brings peace. For some yes, for sure...we all have our own journey through this life and we each respond to different things, and why not a hot-rod to bring about feelings of peace?

Thanks to Todd and Gina of Murdock's Trinity Records of Arizona for bringing us another unique 12seconds for Peace video! More videos to come from Arizona, courtesy of the wonderful job that Todd and Gina are doing out there. You can find out more about Murdock's Trinity Records at their Facebook page here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Thursday, 19 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Ozzy

Ozzy's 12seconds for Peace contribution is another from the collection of videos put together by Todd and Gina Murdock of Murdock's Trinity Records. Here is another man with a passion for peace making it clear that we all need to strive, individually and collectively, to live in harmony with one another.

Murdock's Trinity Records are out and about around Arizona shooting more 12seconds for Peace videos, so if you live in Arizona and want to be a part of the amazing work that they are doing, then catch up with Todd and Gina at Murdocks Trinity Records and make your statement for peace. You can find them here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

12seconds for Peace - Tone G

Ths is an amazing little video and thank you, Murdock's Trinity Records for finding Tone G! Tone is a real character and a man with great passion! Here Tone tells the world how it is in no uncertain terms and by the looks of him we better take heed! He means it!

Arizona is a State that clearly has some amazing characters and we shall be seeing more of them, including Tone G, thanks to the sterling work of Murdock's Trinity Records who have been out there on the streets shooting 12seconds for Peace videos. Todd and Gina Murdock are as passionate about creating peace in the world as Tone G himself, and it is thanks to their company, Murdock's Trinity Records that we are having the pleasure of meeting some of the people of Arizona as they tell us of their desire for peace in the world.

You can find Murdock's Trinity Records Facebook page here. So if you live in Arizona and want to join Tone G as one of the stars of 12seconds for Peace then check them out and see where they are filming next.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - DA Saintz

Thanks once more to the efforts of Murdock's Trinity Records in Arizona, we have a video this time from a couple of guys that make up the musical duo 'DA Saintz'. These guys are very clear about their definition of peace and what it takes to create it: getting out there and performing to a live audience.

Getting out there and feeling the buzz of an appreciative audience is of course not something that would bring peace to everyone - fear or trepidation might also be a response that many would feel in such a situation, but again on 12seconds for Peace we discover that peace comes in many shades and is seen through many lenses.

It will be interesting to see what other messages of peace come out of Arizona over the coming weeks. Murdock's Trinity Records are in the process of bringing in more and more 12seconds for Peace videos from around their state. So if you live in Arizona and want to get on board with this project, why not catch up with Todd and Gina at Murdock's and let them know that you too want to make your statement for peace on 12seconds for Peace. You can connect with Murdock's Trinity Records on their Facebook page here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Monday, 16 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Tammy Ferguson

Here is a wonderful little video from Tammy Ferguson from the UK which she tells us is "...an...accapella of Steve Wonder's 'For Your Love'", that she has fused with selected images to create a resonance for peace. It is not so often that we have people brave enough to commit their singing voice to public exposure, but this is a great piece of work and one that we hope will inspire others to add their own dulcit tones to this collective desire for peace!

We hope that more of you will freshen up your tonsils, fill your lungs with air and serenade the world into a state of blissful peace.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Sunday, 15 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Arizona for Peace

Hot on the heels of Todd and Gina's wonderful video for 12seconds for Peace, we start in now with one of the videos that Todd and Gina, through Murdock's Trinity Records had filmed with various residents of Arizona for this project. With no name attribution for a number of these videos, we are simply going to label them up as 'Arizona for Peace'!

In this first video, a young woman embraces an all-encompassing definition of what peace means to her - love for all.

If you are in Arizona and want to hook up with Todd and Gina and find out more about what Murdock's Trinity Records and Promtions are up to, then just follow the link here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

12seconds for Peace - Todd & Gina Love-Murdock

Todd & Gina Love-Murdock have been staunch supporters of 12seconds for Peace for some time. So much so that they threw the weight of their music promotion company; Murdock's Trinity Records and Promotions, right behind it without hesitation. Murdock's Trinity were out there pushing the message of 12seconds for Peace at their Summer Slaughter show back in June and have recently been out on the streets shooting footage and collecting in messages of peace from Arizona residents.

The first video up from Arizona is of course from Todd and Gina themselves and I personally, and on behalf of 12seconds for Peace and it's growing band of supporters, wish to thank Todd and Gina wholeheartedly for their continued support and commitment to this project. Guys: you rock!

You can find out more about Murdock's Trinty Records and Promotions on their Facebook page here or by clicking on their logo above.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Friday, 13 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Lisa Tenzin-Dolma

A lovely video from author, illustrator, musician and canine psychologist, Lisa Tenzin-Dolma this time around! The pictures used in the video are some examples of Lisa's mandala paintings, done in oils. The first one is a love mandala, produced for a friend, whilst the second and third are from Lisa's 'Glastonbury Tarot' card and book set; all given a second life and a wider audience here on 12seconds for Peace!

You can find out more about Lisa's work by visiting her website here.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Alex Abramowitz

Here is a wonderful video just in from Alex Abramowitz. Alex has taken the 12seconds for Peace format and through the simplicity of his focus and guitar playing, made a truly classic 12seconds for Peace contribution. Peace and simplicity go hand-in-hand and Alex's contribution should be an example for all of those who quake at the idea of attempting to make a video. It really is not that hard, as Alex demonstrates so ably.

Alex is possibly our youngest contributor to date and has sounded the clarion call to the youth of the world to commit their enthusiasm and un-tainted desire for peace to video and support this ground-breaking peace initiative!


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Sunday, 8 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - findthepixie

Contributions from visual artists have been very under-represented on 12seconds for Peace, so receiving this explosion of colour from findthepixie is a great joy! The beautiful and powerful images here bring something of a poetic flavour to the expression for peace and ratchet up the aesthetic of the project once more.

Art has always been a powerfully transformative tool in the history of the world. On the back of great art have ridden great civilisations, great expressions of the human spirit and profound yearnings for a world filled with beauty and joy. If you are an artist and wish to join us on this journey of transformation for all humankind, then send in your video and let the decision-makers of the world know that we now, collectively, desire peace.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Saturday, 7 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Steve Gooch - 3

Since I have been out and about teaching a lot of Reiki recently and encouraging my students to contribute a 12seconds for Peace - Reiki for Peace video, I thought it was about time I made one myself. So here is my contribution to the Reiki for Peace collection of 12seconds for Peace! If you also practice Reiki, why not join us and make a video sending Reiki to the cause of peace? Just email your video to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com. Or you can make it in the Tokbox video screen at the top right of this page very easily: Just record and hit send. It's that simple.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Friday, 6 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Lao Tzu

The great philosopher-sage Lao Tzu is said to have lived two and a half millenia ago in China and is the reported author of one of the great literary works of human consciousness: the Tao Te Ching. Whilst Lao Tzu's existence as hotly debated, there is no denying that the wisdom that came out of the birth of the Tao at this time and it's alignment with Confuscianism have had a major impact on the world.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

Thursday, 5 August 2010

12seconds for Peace - Jennifer Wichard

After something of a summer break while 12seconds for Peace gathered it's energies and focused on a number of possible growth opportunities, we are back with a vengeance! News of 12seconds for Peace's future direction will be published here as soon as possible for the time being back to what we are here for: YOUR 12seconds for Peace videos! This one by a good friend of the project: Jennifer Wichard.

If you would like to contribute to this global peace phenomenon, then please send your videos in to: 12seconds4peace@gmail.com as soon as you can.


Steve Gooch for 12seconds for Peace

The legal stuff.

RE: Your video

I hereby grant OmAhHum 12seconds for Peace (“OAH12” ) their licensees and assign the irrevocable right to: (a) edit and rearrange the audio/music/compositions/photography, still and written word ("the multimedia material") as “OAH12” deems appropriate; (b) to use and/or have "the multimedia material " edited and rearranged as “OAH12” deems appropriate and (c) distribute, exhibit, broadcast, and otherwise exploit “the multimedia material" in all versions, digital formats, and ancillary rights now known and to be discovered, in all media, worldwide, and in perpetuity. In the case of musical compositions, this includes the granting of non-exclusive synchronization and master use performance rights within the context of “the multimedia material” only.

Grantor hereby warrants and represents that (i) Grantor has the power, right, authority, and legal capacity to enter into this Release; ii) the granting of rights herein does not infringe upon or violate the rights of any person, firm or corporation.

I hereby forever release and discharge OmAhHum 12seconds for Peace, their licensees and assignees ("Releasees") of and from any and all claims that I may now or may hereafter have against the “Releasees” that may arise in any way out of my participation in “the multimedia material” or out of the use or exercise of the rights granted herein.

“OAH12” shall have the right to assign this agreement and to use and authorize others to use “the multimedia material” in connection with OmAhHum 12seconds for Peace created short visual pieces, for the purpose of advertising, publicizing or exploiting “the multimedia material”for non-commercial gain and for charitable purposes only: to authorize others to produce in any language any of the content, and in such form as or others may deem advisable within the context of the “the multimedia material” only.